- This regatta is governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024 (RRS).
Changes to sailing instructions:
- Changes to the Sailing Instructions will be posted on the TRYC notice board no later than 11 a.m. EDT on September 7th, 2024.
Communications with Competitors:
- Notices to competitors will be posted on the notice board at the Thames River Yacht Club.
- On the water, the Race Committee will communicate with competitors on VHF channel 73. All communications are to be deemed as a courtesy and not grounds for protest.
- Class A: PHRF less than 150
- Class B: PHRF greater than or equal to 150
- Class C: JOG/JAM (no spinnaker)
- Changes to classes may be made by the organizing authority (TRYC) based on number of entries. See official notice board for official class breakdown which will be posted on the notice board at TRYC before 11:00 am on September 7th, 2024.
Schedule of Races:
- The scheduled time of the first warning signal will be 12:50 hours on Saturday, September 7th, 2024 with 1st boat leaving at 1 pm.
- Additional races may be held after the completion of the first race at the discretion of the Race Committee.
- Starting Sequence and Class flags are as follows.
- Start 1: Class C— Green
- Start 2: Class B – Orange
- Start 3: Class A – Yellow
- Classes A and B may be combined and scheduled as Start 2 if the numbers of boats entered warrants the elimination of a class.
Mark Locations:
- See appendix A: Map of TRYC race buoys.
- Coordinates for TRYC race buoys.
- A: 42 22.074N 82 27.777W
- B: 42 20.936N 82 30.017W
- C: 42 22.304N 82 29.648W
- O: 42 21.326N 82 28.453W
- S: ½ nautical mile downwind of O
- T: 42 20.313N 82 28.011
- XE2: 42 25.367N 82 27.378W
- Coarse 1: S O(port) T (port) XE2(port) T(finish) Distance = 11.4 nm
- Coarse 2: S O (port) C (starboard) XE2 (starboard) T (finish) Distance = 9.2 nm
- Coarse 3: S O(port) T (port) A (port) C (port) O (finish) Distance = 6.0 nm
- Coarse 4: S O (port) C (port) B (port) T (port) O (finish) Distance =5.8 nm
- Coarse 5: S O(port) T (port) A (port) O (finish) Distance = 4.2 nm
- Coarse 6: S O (port) C (port) B (port) O (finish) Distance= 4.4 nm
- Coarse 7: S O(port) T (port) O (finish) Distance = 2.7 nm
- Coarse 8: S O (port) C (port) O (finish) Distance = 3.1 nm
The Finish:
- For courses 1 and 2, the finish will be between the Race Committee boat and Government of Canada channel marker “T”.
- For course 3 through 8, the finish line will be between the Race Committee boat and TRYC mark “O”.
- If the race committee is absent when any boat finishes, the skipper shall report his GPS finish time and the boat ahead and the boat behind.
- Flags will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in each class.